Yes, you've found the place where this originated -- right here
at the Community Theater Green Room!
- your living room sofa spends more time
on stage than you do.
- you have your own secret family recipe
for stage blood.
- you've ever appeared on stage wearing
your own clothes.
- you can find a prop in the prop room
that hasn't seen the light of day in ten years, but you don't
know where your own vacuum cleaner is.
- you've ever appeared in or worked on
a production of Love, Sex and the IRS, or any other
show written by Van Zandt and Milmore.
- you have a Frequent Shopper Card at
The Salvation Army.
- you start buying your work clothes at
Goodwill so you can buy your costumes at the mall.
- you've ever cleaned a tuxedo with
a magic marker.
- you've ever said, "Don't worry - we'll
just hot glue it."
- you've ever appeared on stage in an
outfit held together with hot glue.
- you've ever seriously considered not
doing in the murder victim because the gunshot might wake
up the audience.
- you name your son Samuel and tell him
that his middle name is in honor the French side of the family.
- you've ever appeared in a show where
tech week is devoted to getting the running time under four
and a half hours.
- your lighting director has ever missed
a cue because he was blinded by the glare from the sea of
bald heads in the audience.
- you've ever appeared on stage in an
English drawing room murder mystery where half the cast spoke
with southern accents.
- you've ever called for a line -- in
front of an audience.
- your children have ever begged you not
to buy them any more Happy Meals.
- you think Neil Simon is a misunderstood
- you've ever appeared in a show where
the cast outnumbered the audience.
- you've ever gotten a part because you
were the only guy who showed up for auditions.
- the audience recognizes you the minute
you walk on stage because they saw you taking out the trash
before the show.
- you've ever menaced anyone with a gun
held together with electrical tape.
- you've ever had to haul a sofa off stage
between scenes wearing a dinner gown and high heels.
- you've ever had to haul a sofa off stage
between scenes wearing a dinner gown and high heels - and
you're a guy.
- you've ever played the father of someone
your father's age.
- your kids know your lines better than
you do.
- your kids SAY your lines better than
you do.
- you get home from rehearsal and have
to go back to the theater because you forgot your kids.
- you've ever appeared in a show where
an actor leaned out through a window without opening it first.
- you've ever had to play a drunk scene
opposite someone who was really drunk.
- you've ever heard a director say, "Try
not to bump into the furniture," and mean it.
- you've ever appeared on stage with people
you're related to.
- you've ever heard the head of the set
construction crew say, "Just paint it black - no one will
ever see it."
- your mother has ever greeted you after
a performance with the words "Don't give up your day job."
- you've ever appeared in a show featuring
a flushing toilet sound effect.
- the set designer has ever told you not
to walk on the left half of the stage because the floor's
still wet -- five minutes before curtain.
- you've ever been told your director
has no eyebrows because he handled special effects for the
last show.
