Many community theater companies are content with using an old-fashioned
sounding telephone bell for ringing phones onstage. However, in this
"modern" age, phones bleep, buzz or, occasionally, chime. Avoiding
a modern looking plastic phone that sounds like a 1940's steel phone
is easy. You just need a transformer and a little wiring.
Phones are rung by alternating current (AC) much like the standard
wall current, with a few differences. Wall current is 110/120 volts
at 60 cycles. Phone voltage is about 90 volts at 30 cycles. To achieve
this, you need a ring voltage transformer, a momentary contact switch,
some wire and, if you feel ambitious, some phone connectors. The ring
voltage transformer is available either through your local phone company
or through an electronics supply house such as Radio Shack. They can
also be ordered from some theatrical supply houses.
To install, simply run two wires, one with the momentary contact
switch spliced in, from the transformer to the middle two wires (usually
red and green) on your phone cable. Plug the transformer into the
wall and test. It may take a little practice to get the ring cycle
right, but it's worth it. And with that, your phone will sound like
it should.
Note: As always when working with electricity, proper precautions
should be taken to prevent shock. Be sure all wires are properly connected
and insulated. Use a good quality, stranded wire that will stand up
to movement, rather that a solid core wire that will break if moved
too much.