Wheaton Drama, Inc (WDI) is presenting Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure. This exciting adaptation by Steven Dietz is based on the original play by William Gillette and Arthur Conan Doyle.
The Wheaton Drama cast is Edward Barnett as Norton/Larrabee; Roy Birch as Sid Prince; Pat Daly as Policeman/Clergyman; Deven Ferber as Sherlock Holmes; Amy Johnson as Post Boy/Swiss Boy; Harold LeBoyer as Dr. Watson; Larry Mayo as Professor Moriarty; Karen Neidlinger as Madge Larrabee; Tom Viskocil as the King of Bohemia; Sharon Voss as Irene Adler.
Annie Walker-Bright is directing, assisted by Dee Hicks. The production manager is Steve Blount. Amy Johnson is the stage manager.
Additional production staff include: Ben Aylesworth (special effects & set decoration); Ken Beach (production photography); Alice Blount (properties); Brian Boylan (sound design); Pat Daly (set construction); Craig Gustafson (Starboard design); Melissa Heischberg (website); Jo-Ann Ledger (publicity); Steven Merkel (publicity photography); R.J. Ogren (scenic design); Katy Smith (programme); Jim Van de Velde (lighting design); Gretchen Woodley (costume design).
Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure is set in Victorian England in a tidy flat at 221B Baker Street and other locations. Audiences do not have to be detective story scholars to enjoy the script Steven Dietz has crafted—there is intrigue, adventure and humor, plus a touch of romance with the inclusion of Holmes’ intellectual equal, Irene Adler.
Performances are January 25 through February 17, 2013 at Playhouse 111, 111 N. Hale Street in downtown Wheaton, IL. Shows are Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 8pm and Sundays at 3pm. Tickets are $13 for Thursdays; $16 for Fridays-Sundays. Dramatists Play Service licenses Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure.
Other shows in WDI’s season are Full Circle (March 15-April 7, 2013) and Into the Woods (May 17-June 9, 2013).
For show tickets and information, please visit http://www.wheatondrama.org/ - , or call 630-260-1820. Follow on Twitter at WDIpublicity.