We are like most theatre groups here, which has nowt t'dee or any help with your question.
We have just a Committee of 5 & not more than 9, this presume constitutes a Bard, in your money.
For the daily running primarily the committee Executive, are responsible to the General membership.
Since I have grasped the nettle & become the President, I have introduced that at committee meetings, the chairman is elected from the floor of the meeting assembled. Which has worked well thus far & proved to be a worth wile venture.
To that end because we are going thru the transition of being homeless, to one of having a roof over our head.
I believe there is a need to formulate an infra structure, in line with our Constitution, to perpetuate the groups aims & objects.
President Chairs Executive
Secretary chairs Production
Treasurer chairs Resources
The Executive are elected by the membership, in turn each Chairs a sub committee, of appointed members , which can be Committee members [elected] or others wishing to volunteer & input to a sub committee of interest.
Each subcommittees is responsible for one of the three aspects of theatre productions.
So which ever director has a conduit direct to the subcommittee of concern & can appoint a production team member, as an Ex-officio for the duration of the production &/or longer.
In the past we have had a brain drain & I'm hoping to put a valve in place, to better manage this reusable resource in future.
In the past for what ever reason, they spit the dummy, because of something that has happened during a production & feel their ego's won't allow them to return. So hopefully this will revert back to the group being the most important & the individual can still input, even when not connected to a production. Which in the past only those in the show, would front up each time a show was on, So they would have to start from scratch, building a production team.
Where by with subcommittee in place, each director has aback up to call upon, for that aspect of the show.
This might be like whistling into the wind or even whistling up a storm, now & then. But if we keep it close hauled to windward, it should be plane sailing from now on.
While we hold a General meeting normally, once a month, this is open to all to attend.
The sub committees can meet as when they need to any time.
The chair of each of these committees report to the general membership, each month &/or make appropriate suggestion &/or motions, to the General Committee meeting as assembled.
This way we can get around being bogged down on issues & off the wall rubbish. This can all be handled during the less formal subcommittees - hopefully?
------------- [western] Gondawandaland
"Hear the light & see the sound!
{may you always play to a full house!}