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Code of Ethics for Theater

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Topic: Code of Ethics for Theater
Posted By: Topper
Subject: Code of Ethics for Theater
Date Posted: 6/10/08 at 9:01am
Found this article and although it was written with professionals in mind, I thought it was worth sharing here:

"A 1945 Code of Ethics for Theatre Workers Surfaces"

Equity member Kathleen Freeman died of lung cancer in August, 2001 while she was appearing on Broadway in her Tony-nominated role of Jeanette in The Full Monty.

Equity Councillor Jane A. Johnston, a longtime friend, was executrix for Ms. Freeman’s estate. Among Ms. Freeman’s papers she discovered a yellowed document containing A Code of Ethics for Theatre Workers.

Ms. Freeman was a daughter of a small time vaudevillian team and it was her childhood experience of touring with her parents from which this Code of Ethics sprung, Ms. Johnston writes. She also notes: “What is particularly interesting about this list of dos and don’ts for the theatre is that it was written in 1945 when Kathleen was establishing one of the first small theatres in Los Angeles and she was 24 years old. I wish I had been told some of ‘the rules’ when I was a young actress instead of having to pick them up as I went along.”

The theatre was the Circle Players, and among its backers was Charlie Chaplin. That group subsequently evolved into the Players’ Ring. Although there is no record that either company used an Equity contract (they certainly pre-dated the 99-Seat Code in Los Angeles), nevertheless, Ms. Johnston confirms that all the participants were professionals.

Foreword to the Code

“A part of the great tradition of the theatre is the code of ethics which belong to every worker in the theatre. This code is not a superstition, nor a dogma, nor a ritual which is enforced by tribunals; it is an attitude toward your vocation, your fellow workers, your audiences and yourself. It is a kind of self-discipline which does not rob you of your invaluable individualism.

“Those of you who have been in show business know the full connotation of these precepts. Those of you who are new to show business will soon learn. The Circle Players, since its founding in 1945, has always striven to stand for the finest in theatre, and it will continue to do so. Therefore, it is with the sincere purpose of continued dedication to the great traditions of the theatre that these items are here presented.”

The “rules” follow:

1. I shall never miss a performance.

2. I shall play every performance with energy, enthusiasm and to the best of my ability regardless of size of audience, personal illness, bad weather, accident, or even death in my family.

3. I shall forego all social activities which interfere with rehearsals or any other scheduled work at the theatre, and I shall always be on time.

4. I shall never make a curtain late by my failure to be ready on time.

5. I shall never miss an entrance.

6. I shall never leave the theatre building or the stage area until I have completed my performance, unless I am specifically excused by the stage manager; curtain calls are a part of the show.

7. I shall not let the comments of friends, relatives or critics change any phase of my work without proper consultation; I shall not change lines, business, lights, properties, settings or costumes or any phase of the production without consultation with and permission of my director or producer or their agents, and I shall inform all people concerned.

8. I shall forego the gratification of my ego for the demands of the play.

9. I shall remember my business is to create illusion; therefore, I shall not break the illusion by appearing in costume and makeup off-stage or outside the theatre.

10. I shall accept my director’s and producer’s advice and counsel in the spirit in which it is given, for they can see the production as a whole and my work from the front.

11. I shall never “put on an act” while viewing other artists’ work as a member of an audience, nor shall I make caustic criticism from jealousy or for the sake of being smart.

12. I shall respect the play and the playwright and, remembering that “a work of art is not a work of art until it is finished,” I shall not condemn a play while it is in rehearsal.

13. I shall not spread rumor or gossip which is malicious and tends to reflect discredit on my show, the theatre, or any personnel connected with them—either to people inside or outside the group.

14. Since I respect the theatre in which I work, I shall do my best to keep it looking clean, orderly and attractive regardless of whether I am specifically assigned to such work or not.

15. I shall handle stage properties and costumes with care for I know they are part of the tools of my trade and are a vital part of the physical production.

16. I shall follow rules of courtesy, deportment and common decency applicable in all walks of life (and especially in a business in close contact with the public) when I am in the theatre, and I shall observe the rules and regulations of any specific theatre where I work.

17. I shall never lose my enthusiasm for theatre because of disappointments.

In addition, the document continued:

“I understand that membership in the Circle Theatre entitles me to the privilege of working, when I am so assigned, in any of the phases of a production, including: props, lights, sound, construction, house management, box office, publicity and stage managing—as well as acting.

I realize it is possible I may not be cast in a part for many months, but I will not allow this to dampen my enthusiasm or desire to work, since I realize without my willingness to do all other phases of theatre work, there would be no theatre for me to act in.”

All members of the Circle Theatre were required to sign this document. And they must have—because the theatre, and the group into which it evolved, was successful for many years."

"None of us really grow up. All we ever do is learn how to behave in public." -- Keith Johnstone

Posted By: MartyW
Date Posted: 6/10/08 at 4:06pm

 Wow...  I have a lot of emotions and thoughts when I read this , but all that comes out is.. wow.

Marty W

"Till next we trod the boards.."

Posted By: TonyDi
Date Posted: 6/11/08 at 7:45am
VERY interesting to say the least.  But then it WAS penned in 1945 - a much simpler time, when people's attitudes, ideas and ideals were new (thanks to post war), the outlook was fresh and morality, manners and decorum were a social reality rather than a stodgy, archaic form of doing things. Ah, for the good old days when THESE kinds of rules really meant something.  Would be nice to use those and apply them today. The trouble I fear, would lie in people's compliance with them.  Times certainly HAVE changed.
And like Marty said - a lot of thoughts and emotions as your read.  Certainly a longing for nostalgia.  And while these SHOULD apply today, it's relatively rare to find anyone - much less a whole group of people - who can stand up to these.  All I need is a time machine.  Sigh!!

"Almost famous"

Posted By: tonyboling
Date Posted: 6/11/08 at 5:15pm
Admittedly, I fail at a few of these Disapprove

Posted By: JoeMc
Date Posted: 6/11/08 at 11:29pm
"Fings ain't wot they use't be"
Ah yes I remember .....!
Back in the 50's when i was treading the boards, i related to a lot of these.
Especially with males wearing make up in public. Or gawd forbid cross dressing in character as a female!
It was a 'Breach of the Peace', in a lot of British County's & City's through out the country. Which I believed was not repealed until the late 60's. Also in a lot of areas, because I was of school age, I had to apply to the local Education Authority to perform on stage. Each time it would cost around half a crown to pay for the licence & permit. Other restrictions & licence provision were that I had to be examined by a doctor, before each performance. Even when it was snowing outside, I'd be in my nothing but my Ninon's over nonon's , in the theatre dungeon, when it was cold enough to 'freeze the balls off a brass monkey' & asked to cough loudly. Which came out as more of a high pitched 'C'  Aaaah! {those flamin cold hands - D'narf make ya eyes water!]

[western] Gondawandaland
"Hear the light & see the sound!
{may you always play to a full house!}

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