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Joshua Tree

Printed From: Community Theater Green Room
Category: Producing Theater
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Printed Date: 10/18/24 at 9:43pm
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Topic: Joshua Tree
Posted By: Ulighteca
Subject: Joshua Tree
Date Posted: 12/10/07 at 10:00pm
Ok, i need some help. I am a senior in high school an during my time in high school, i have done alot, an this year was the year i did my first pay at the high school an i loved it, then my acting teacher for 6th period told me that the playhouse in joshua tree needed an actor so i went and enjoyed it. I am now in anothr play for them called The Farndale Avenue Housing Estates Townswomen Guild Production of a "Christmas Carol", an im havin the time of my life. The only thng is we dont have alot of peopl,e showing up becuase the word doesnt really get out there an the fact that most people dont want to come to the guild hall in the back of the playhouse.  The playhouse flooded when the pipes broke 2 yrs an it cost thosands of dollars to get it to its orginial state, an i wanna do sumthin to start the construction of it. Can anyone help me? i dont no wat to do but i wanna do sumthin to get it back up, its somethin tat has been troubling me an i wanna do sumthin to fix it so can any1 help me?                             -                                                             


Posted By: neilfortin
Date Posted: 12/11/07 at 8:50am
Hey man!! That place looks really cool. I did a little reading and it says that all of the labor that created the building was done by volunteers and donated services. What about going back to the original sources, tell them what happened, and see if you can start a fund to bring the playhouse back to its orginal state. If the people who originally built it invested THAT much of their time and money into it maybe they can help out a little bit again! Start an account in the name of the theater and just get all the community help you can. Write a letter to local businesses, and get some of the adults involved with the playhouse involved with you efforts as well!!

Community Theater makes us smile

Posted By: vickifrank
Date Posted: 12/11/07 at 10:53am
Does your school have senior projects?  Because if it does, or if you can talk the school into credit for such a program, you'd normally get a mentor.  The mentor can serve as a guide to help connect you to the right people in the community to help.
Even if your school doesn't do senior projects, if you take on the task to help rebuild, then definately remember that this is unusual enough to write about on scholarship applications.  People would rather give scholarship money to kids with drive and interest. 
Also keep in mind that local school theaters or other community theaters might donate used equipment when they upgrade. 
You might even post a short list here of the top needs and see if anyone is upgrading (don't post a laundry list, just the top 10 needs) and will donate, or has an idea of where the item can be acquired cheaply.  Example:  I just posted a thing about used curtains a friend of mine has.  Also my company does inexpensive scrims.

Posted By: Ulighteca
Date Posted: 12/11/07 at 7:36pm
okay, i dont no if we hav a senior mentor thng but im gonna look into that, an the orginial owners arent there anymor, some ppl who i hav grown close to hav bnought it an they were startin to do remodeling wen the pipes exploded an flooded the whole building. So now ft they told me its gonna cost alot of money since the fire marshal wants them to completely rebuild the theatre, an it is kinda a landmark, so i hav no idea how i would get ppl in the community to help, an should i tell the owners wat im thinkin about? but ya its kinda hard since i've nvr really done somthin lik this an now im really motivated to strt somthing to help get it back up an runninng, the only thng is lik i said how an were to strt. But i no im gonna b spendin the time i hav off of skool during the summr to help them clean the playhouse an try an get them to get it a little bit bettr, since u cant even b in there. but tats wat im gona do till i hav to leave for college.


Posted By: JoeMc
Date Posted: 12/11/07 at 9:43pm
G'donya Chris - chocks away!
Stir up some interest with the local rag &/or media, who will undoubtably verify your story with the owbers anyway, so contact them first, as you may end up with egg on your face.
Even start one of those free blog sites available on the net, as a 'Save the Playhouse' thingamejigs?
Having said that, I'm sure it may be recieved better in English, rather than the phonetic tex type, it take me long enough to type out english & read my own grammar, without attempting to understand any other other form of the writen word, there again I'm anceit in more ways than one?Wink
It may be a good idea to investigate what is required, as suggested by Vicki & let us know.
Seek out if the owner or stakeholder groups have a plan of requirements or a qualified builder or whatever, on board, who can cross the i's & dot the t's, giving a building survey of what is needed.
However keep a file & log, scrap book of all relevent paper work of correspondence &  news paper clips, as your portfolio, which will assist you later, as Vicki suggests - nothing beats writen proof of your endeavours.
With the media this should wake up the Local Council & bring in others to help.
Bewdy Chris your dinkydie true blue & this is a fairdinkum project! Thumbs%20Up

[western] Gondawandaland
"Hear the light & see the sound!
{may you always play to a full house!}

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