- Note entrances and exits, as well as the actor's relationship
to the different elements on the stage. For example, when
an actor has been blocked to move behind the sofa at upstage
right, coming from downstage left, your notation in the
script may look something like "XUR-B sofa." Make the
notation in the script at the point in the dialogue where
the actor is supposed to begin moving.
- Remember, stage right and left are from the actor's
perspective - facing the audience. Get used to having
your right be stage left and visa versa. This takes some
- Be familiar with the characters and the actors playing
them. This will help you keep your directions straight.
- Don't be shy if you miss a blocking note; things move
fast sometimes. If you're lost, say so. If you miss something,
ask the director or a reliable cast member for help.
- This a job for a pencil, NOT a pen. Bring either a good
mechanical pencil with lots of extra lead or several sharp
wooden pencils. Also bring an extra (big) eraser. Blocking
often changes in the first few weeks of rehearsal.
- Make sure you can read your own notes; you may be asked
to remind the actors where they are supposed to be.
Next: Prompting
the Actors